Monday, May 28, 2007

It's almost summertime!

What a great few days. Nice weather, lots going on, can't ask for much better (unless I was near the ocean). No, really - it's a good day when its sunny and warm. Friday night we didn't take much advantage of that, but went to Dewey's to play trivia and eat stuff that isn't good for us. And had a few drinks. Those that know me know that I am not much of a drinker anymore, if at all on most occassions. I was going to "tie one on" Friday, but just couldn't get enough of anything in me to accomplish that goal. Just not into alcohol anymore, but more so, not into the "feeling" after the fact. Hangovers suck!

Friday was a little late, but not too bad. Saturday, I met Boots downtown for our monthly Mani-pedicure and lunch. This has become a fun, relaxing and adventurous routine. Last time, we ate at Roijas on Larimer. It was really good food, a little pricey, but something different. They used fresh baked mediterranean style breads (the olive loaf was great) and fresh everything. We had to eat inside since their patio is so small. This time around, we ate at Del Mar's Crab House where we had salads with fish/seafood. I had the Mediterranean Salad w/Salmon which was AWESOME and Boots had an Asparagus salad w/Scallops. Her's wasn't made with any leafy greens, just asparagus, tomato and scallops. That was a little bit of a let down, but it was still all good - perfect portions so you don't overeat. Their sourdough bread that they served w/the meal was really good as well. Then we went to the Pavillions where they have the annual art show. They always have interesting pieces, but for the most part you need to be very wealthy to afford anything. By then, I was tired and needed to get a quick nap in.

Tish Marti (Martin) and I went to the Cinderella City Drive-in to see "Pirates 3." We went early to ensure a good spot (which we did well) and then I borrowed Karen's portable DVD player to watch the last 1/2 of "Pirates 2," so it was like going from one movie to the other. We brought cheese, crackers, fruit, and chocolate to eat - just because we could! I found this Horseradish/white cheddar cheese at this little small gourmet grocer in Writer's Square that was just to die for. Bought some herbed Brie later as well. I'm so into the more gourmet cheeses anymore.

Anyway, the movie will have to be seen a couple more times to catch everything again. There is so much going on in it, and it has a wicked, kind of sad, twist at the end that definitely keeps it open for another installment. It's not as good as the 1st movie (nothing ever is), but still a good story for the franchise.

Sunday I went to a BBQ at Susan and Don Shield's house in Ft Collins. However, before that I went to Loveland to stop by the cemetary to plant some flowers on my brother Jason and Dad's graves. There was a very large, unruly rosebush next to Jason's grave for the longest time, but someone (probably the cemetary) got so tired of having to trim it down every year that it was removed - can't tell it was ever there. I don't know who did it, but thanks! Now there is a small, perennial flower bush of some sort and I planted some petunias and geraniums, dad's favorite flowers that he would plant every year. They are easy to take care of and bloom very nicely. I said a prayer and was on my way. I was strangely emotional just driving into and through Loveland. I really miss it there, as well as my friends that live there. I don't see them nearly enough - with gas so expensive nowadays, I just don't get up that way as often as I should.

At the Shield's house, I ended up being one of the first ones there (thought I'd be much later, but since I didn't have to deal with the rose bush down south, I got there a lot earlier). I was later joined by Kirsten, Andy and the kids Rathmann; Tish Marti; Steph and Gary Riedel and Shannon Brynner. It was so good to see Steph and Shannon, a couple others that I miss seeing. Their upbeat personalities and laughing is so infectious - I just love being around them! I'll take whatever dose of them that I can. Anyway, it was a fun time and I ended up not leaving until 7:30pm that night. We were just B'S-ing. It's always a good time to spend yard time w/the Shield's, they are such good people.

So, today has been pretty much a "do nothing" day. Went to the grocery store early this morning, then came home, watered the flowers, swept out the garage and cleaned out my Exploder (term of endearment, really) and have been watching a "CSI" marathon. I never watch the show while it's on Primtime (until just recently), but always watch the reruns. What a facinating show. Now my day ends easily and relaxed before the rigors of going back to work tomorrow. It was an interesting day this past Friday, so more on that later.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Rain, Rain, Go Away. . . .

Well, the last 2 afternoons/ have been pretty wet. The Platte River near my house is fuller than I think I have ever seen it. I feel sorry for anyone that thought they could ride their bike along the bike path on the river this morning and still make it home this afternoon without falling in. But the flowers love it as well as the little girl I passed on the way home. Looked like her mom took her outside to feel the rain on her face - it was cute! She couldn't have been more than 3 years old.

I went to my friend Kenny MacKay's funeral yesterday. It makes me really sad that he felt he had to take his life in order to take away his problems and pain - it's completely and totally selfish. I was told if I ever did that, a certain Polish friend of mine would "piss on my grave." I'm not kidding, he said that (with a slight drunken slur at the Platte River Grill last night).

Ken's daughter, Brittany (26 yrs old), wrote a couple of nice poems for her dad - it was pretty hard on her, as well as her younger brothers, who are 16 and 18. It's too bad it took this event for many of us to meet his family. Even his first ex-wife is just a gem (can't remember her name to save my life)! I wonder why they weren't able to stay married. The ex-wife's second ex-husband looks like John Denver, I swear (they got along really good as well, wonder why that one didn't work either)! He was really very nice as well; good thing Brittany has him close by to help her. She's got to move all of Ken's stuff out of his house next week, as the bank is foreclosing on it. I'll probably see if I can help in some way.

My boss is doing better, he called me several times today, being his old self (asking lots of questions, in which I gave him answers to weeks ago, but he forgot again). Says he's going to really try to make it into the office tomorrow. I keep telling him not to worry about it, but we'll see what happens. I'll probably not get to take my day off on Friday as planned, since a girl in our office, who seems to always be sick or at a Dr. Appt or need to have the day off for one reason or another, will likely not be in. I have had to adjust my time in the past (Dr. Appt, days off) because she decided to be sick or something. Since it's the end of the month, the office phones cannot be unmanned. It's been a really slow year business wise, so we need to move all of the product we can over the next 2 days. Therefor, I will probably be working, dammit.

I've suddenly had lots of invites of things to do this weekend, and one of them enables me to kill 2 birds w/one stone, so need to make my plans around it. Friday night I'll probably hang out at home; Sat night, going to the drive-in w/my friend Tish, some Brie, Fruit, other gourmet food and Captain Jack Sparrow (arrrrgh). Can't wait for that one! Sunday, I've been invited to do a couple of things, might be able to do them both, but I'll be pushing it. I need to kill a rose bush at my brother's grave in Loveland (if you know a good way to do that PLEASE let me know!!) , so I'll probably do that late Sunday morning/early afternoon, go to a BBQ at the Shield's house Sunday afternoon and try to make Sushi w/Amanda on Sunday night. Monday is a BBQ in Mead, but not sure I'll make that one.

So, that's the next chapter in my not-so-exciting life. I'm going to go turn on my electric blanket now and crawl into bed - its mighty chilly tonight, so I'll get a great nights sleep!

Monday, May 21, 2007

A Great Link!

Check out the "Funny or Die" link. . . Click on Will Ferrell Meets Landlord video. It's Hilarious! Oh, and then watch the "Pearl out takes." What that guy won't do for a few laughs. . .

What a Weekend!

Just when I thought things just couldn't get anymore exciting. . . Saturday - boring, yet relaxing.

On Sunday, went for a short 2 mile hike with Boots to "Lair of the Bear" on Morrison Road (I'm sure it is some state road in there as well) just west of Idledale, about 15 miles from my house in the mountains. It's a kind of "picnic/hiking" area where apparently MANY people like to go. Since Boots is a late riser, we get there around noon, which ended up being a very pleasant temp to hike. It was a pretty area right on the creek which was still running pretty high. Looks like it might have moved a few beaver dams around as well. Since my knee surgery, this is the most extensive walk (let alone on slightly rougher terrain) I have taken and I survived it very well. . . after the ice pack, of course. Still, I consider that I did pretty good! Story on the knee surgery another time :)

On my drive back, got a call from my boss (Skip) who never calls me on Weekends. First words I hear - "Let me tell you about my exciting Birthday!" He was calling me from Swedish Hospital, which happens to just be up the street from me. Apparently, he had to have his gall bladder removed quickly, as it had enlarged and was causing what he thought would be a permanent stomach ache. I went to the hospital to visit with him a little bit, he was pretty chipper and doing well. I learned today that "drugs do wonders" as he was in pretty rough shape and slept most of today. He got out of the hospital last night, but couldn't find a pharmacy to fill the pain killer prescription, so sleep became optional at some point. The one time I can say "aren't drugs wonderful?"

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Week of May 13th

I have to tell you, what I did this past week is the way my life used to run. Now I really relish all chances I get to stay home and relax, but I did have some major fun! So let's start like this:

Monday - easy day. Nothing spectacular happened.

Tuesday - went to see the Broadway show "Wicked" with my friends Boots, Dana and Karen. We went to this restaurant called Lime in Larimer Square. They serve mexican dishes with a "flare" and a complimentary juiced up lime half filled w/tequila. Now, those of you that have known me a LONG time know that I used to love tequila. This story will be left for another post - it's long and it's funny.
Dana, Boots and Sue

Anywhoo, we ate a really great meal, had a VERY cute and awesome waiter named John who was training a younger waiter (but we drooled over the main one - well, I did anyway) and then left for the Buell Theatre. Wicked was an awesome play! It is a story about how the witches of the Wizard of Oz came about and how they went through life and became who they were. It really played out some interesting scenarios and provided great humor (see link). The cast was excellent and the company, of course was the best. Thanks to Dana for getting us great seats to the theatre when she gets the opportunity.

Wednesday - during work, found out that a friend commited suicide on Monday. He worked for one of our dealers, but by mutual agreement, left that company in the fall. In addition, his mom, who he was really close to, passed away last spring. Ken didn't have a job, was losing his house, was an alcoholic and apparently very depressed. None of us could get him to change his ways, so all you could do was be a friend and hope that he would be OK. It was a sad afternoon for many of us.

That evening, I took a guy that I work with to the baseball game. Tim is a trainer for Lennox and flys up about once a month for classes that I have scheduled. He's married and lives in Phoenix, nice guy w/a heart of gold. Can't wait to meet his wife and 2 year old one day (she'll probably be 3 or 4 by then!). I try to take him to different places so he doesn't have to stay cooped up in the hotel the entire time.

These 2 girls from Austin flew in to do training at our facility. They were really fun, so took them to the baseball game with us. Natalie and Jennifer had a good time, as did Tim. And the Rockies won 5-3. It's the 5th game I've gone to, they've only lost 1 time since I've gone to those games (it was against Atlanta, an ugly game).

Thursday - I was going to go home after work, but Natalie and Jennifer wanted to see what I liked about downtown Denver so I took them after work. There is so much to do downtown, that I took them to do some of my "best of" things. So we went to Bayou Bob's for appetizers and drinks (they have the best hurricanes, and they are only $2.50 during happy hour), to Rock Bottom Brewery for another round, then I took them to Noodles and CO for the best bowl of Mac 'n Cheese you can get. Then we went to Double Daughters bar, next to Mario's Two-Fisted Pizza. It's a really cool place and they have interesting drinks. They don't serve the Augusta Gloop anymore, but one that is similar and apparently better. Don't remember the name of it.

Friday - Took the lightrail and bus to work. Some people think that the bus is just full of transients and such, but that really isn't just the case. A lot of people like me that get tired of paying this high price for gas take the train and bus. I only have one transfer and I get some exercise. Costs $2.70 vs. $6.50 per day, so saving a lot there!

I met Boots downtown after work (she works at the Denver Business Journal) and we walked to the Pepsi Center for a Crush game with the Singles Marketplace. We had passes to go to the "Crush Dome." We both had high expectations of this thing - that this would be the cool place to be and we'd meet some fun people. Didn't happen. It was running wild w/males (young and old) eating pizza, drinking beer or pop and chasing the cheerleaders for autographs. So we went into the Pepsi Center and settled in for the game. It's the first one I have been to since the re-introduction of Arena Football to Denver. I have to say it was fun. But I have to mention that after a week of getting home at no time before 9:30pm on any given night (being right around my bedtime), I was pretty tired and ready to get home and just crash.

This is by FAR the most extensive week I've had in awhile. So much that it took until Monday night to publish it!

So, its happened!

I suggested to my friend Dani that her family have a blog so that they and everyone else could keep in touch w/each other, especially while her husband Chris is gone for 6 weeks training with Kmart/Sears Holdings, Inc. I said "what's there to talk about? I have no husband, no kids, not even a pet." Dani said (to make it short), "Get real - - you'd have an audience!" This meaning that yes, I do lots of stuff, have interesting experiences and could stay in touch with my family and friends better through this opportunity.

Ok, you win Dani! You have one, Leslie has one, even Karen has one (she puts all of her cool pictures on it) so guess I'll do it, too. Heck, it might even make me have more of a life!

So here it goes. . . stay tuned for stories of lore, truth as well as the most unbelievable things you won't believe that I have done (but I'm telling you, I did!).