Sunday, June 21, 2009

Slowly but surely

Weighed in at 237.6 this week which brings me to just shy of a 15 lb loss! Clothes are getting pretty loose, now. Still have a few things to fit into, that will come soon enough! I'm going to just shop the thrift stores for clothes until I am close to my goal weight; no sense buying clothes that I'll only be able to wear for a couple of months.

I've been challenging myself to cook more and different things. It's too easy to go to the store and buy frozen weight watchers dinners; but I still need to get some fresh stuff in my tummy! It's hard when you are cooking for one.

Well, short report this week. I'm going to do some reading for my homework then hopefully hit the pool today! It's beautiful and the water is calling me. . .

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Down some more!

My weigh in was at 239.8 yesterday. The bummer. . . only .2 away from my 5% goal! Oh well, we'll celebrate that one next week. Then the week after that, another 5lbs. I'm making some good progress! I worked out 3 times this week, twice at the gym and last Sunday, Kirsten and I took a really nice walk at EB Rains for about an hour. Its good to have a "buddy" to do these things with. The new goal this week is to get out and work out 4 times. That will start tomorrow since I am going to the Rockies game with Kirsten and the fam; we'll be getting there early enough that we'll be able to get a good walk in. I'm going to shoot for at least 2 morning workouts, and then on opposite days do a short lunchtime workout, at least on the bike. I still haven't done the water exercising yet, not sure why I just don't go do it. I'm so brain dead after work, guess I just don't feel like doing anything.

I have some favorite, comfortable pants that I will not be able to wear much longer. Sad and glad at the same time. I have 2 more pair of those types of pants, they are going to have to go in another 5 lbs as well. I'm not sure if its worth it to pay to have them taken in so I can wear them for another month. My choices in pants are starting to waiver, that's for sure.

This coming week, I'm also going to try out some grilling suggestions from the book I won at last week's meeting. I need to find the time to expand my home eating opportunities. I'm going to try and keep my eating out to once a week max. Need to save money for clothes that I'll buy at the second hand store, since its not worth it to purchase new if I'm only going to be able to wear them for 2 months. What a predicament to have!

Off to do homework. I'll report again next week!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Love Letter to Myself

In our Weight Watchers meeting last Friday, Michelle asked us to write a "love letter" to ourselves telling us why I came to Weight Watchers, what I hope to accomplish, and why I am not going to quit. Write specifically what I want, what that will feel like, etc. . . . So here it goes!

I joined Weight Watchers because 1) I want to feel better about myself and look better to myself; 2) It is my goal to fit into clothes I have been holding onto (not a lot, but a few) just to prove to myself that I WILL get back into them again; 3) I need to have knee surgery on my right knee. I had surgery on the left a couple of years ago. Although that was worse than what I need to have done now, my recovery took longer than it should of because I am overweight. I AM going to get down to a good weight so that my knees will feel better and I can rehab better when I do have surgery.

It is really hard for me to say that "I love myself." Like many others, I am my own worst critic. There are things that my friends love about me, so I have to accept those traits. I am a good friend to my friends. I like that I have many friends, several that I could honestly say that are close to me; a three people in my life that I consider are really my best friends. They have been there for me and I for them; they have helped me through difficult times and celebrated the best of times with me. I will do anything for them and their families, of whom I am close to as well. I feel great pride in my good friendships.

I am diverse; I can't say that I know a lot about one thing, but I know something about about several things. I like that when I'm not right, I am willing to admit it - being humble is something that is not easy for anyone to do. As I get older, it is easier for me to admit that I can really be a dumbass. I am very comfortable with letting people know when that happens. If you can't make fun of yourself, then you'll never be able to handle it when someone else does!

I am not going to quit this venture of learning how to change my healthy lifestyle. It will be an adventure and a challenge. I will have ups and downs. However, I now have a "buddy" to do this with; we will help each other accomplish the goals we are going after. We will BOTH make time to do what we need to do.

Hmmm - not really a "love letter" per sey, but guess that's how I feel about myself. It's a start, anyway!