Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial Weekend

I decided to take a lengthy weekend - 1/2 day on Wednesday to go to a Rockies game (Fuentes lost it for us in the last couple of innings, that sucked), then took Thursday to go look at potential places to buy with John. We looked at 4, I liked 3 of them and 2 once again had offers made on them - one had 4 by Monday. Why do agents do that to you?? I finally decided that my best bet is the townhome we saw, it has a lot of potential to be an excellent investment property. Fix it up, live in it for a couple of years then sell it. Really a good location in the area. However, with the way my luck has been, I'm not holding my breath that I'll be in the running to get it. I'm telling you, house hunting has not been fun for me one iota.

Thurdsay evening, I went to the zoo with Karen for a members only night. They apparently had some special events going on, but the kids got out of school on Wednesday for the summer, so there were several around - didn't get to see what we would have liked as a result. In addition, it was a little too cool for the monkeys and such to be out so didn't see any of them at all. Karen took some photos - I haven't seen those yet, but I'm sure she got some good ones. Again, please check out her link on the left - she's showing some really good stuff on there!

Friday was an easy day at home, doing some further cleaning and such. Friday night Boots, Karen and I saw a play called "Almost Denver - The Songs & Failures of Jim Aurora," a spoof on John Denver. It was absolutely hilarious - we all highly recommend it, especially for those that have lived in Denver a long time. A married couple in the show wrote it - its a 5 person ensemble that takes turns playing parts (particularly the part of Jim Aurora - they all play him once at different stages of his life) and have made up alternate words to most of John Denver's most popular songs. Again, just a hoot of a play. It's at The Avenue Theatre, corner of Logan and 17th through mid July.

Saturday and today I pretty much stayed home and worked on some little projects. Didn't get as much done as I had hoped, but they are all projects so it'll be a little while before they are complete - but need to finish them before I move as it could affect how much stuff I take with me to the new place - whenever that is.

This last month has been a little grinding. Been somewhat busy. Finished classwork, of which I begin summer classes this coming Tuesday. Doing well there. Moved my office at work - although its not the desired set up I'd like to have, its better than what I had. I'm good with that. Boots and I decided kind of last minute (end of April, actually) to get season tickets to the Outlaws pro-outdoor lacrosse league games for the summer, so went to our first game of the season last week. That'll keep us occupied for a little while.

Learned that my nephew is moving the end of June, a little sooner than I had hoped. He's going to Morgan City, LA to take classes in underwater welding. Says there is good money in it, but I know he hasn't been doing any swimming lately or practicing for whats to come. His mother is moving with him, going to pay for the place for them to live. Kiel isn't learning how to take care of himself and at the ripe age of 19, isn't learning all that he needs to become independent. I'm really worried about that and not sure that there is anything I can do to help him get through that portion of his life. He needs to learn more about paying bills and budgeting. Don't know if I should give him a book to learn about that or if he has a computer, give him some Quicken software he can use to help him budget as well. I know he doesn't like to owe anyone but that doesn't mean he knows how to save for the long term. Guess all I can do is hang out and be there for him when he has the questions.

That's all for now, hopefully I'll have some good news in the near future. . .