Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Another Year is Passing Me By

Tomorrow is the recording of the big 4-3. Not much has affected me as I get older, but I find today that I am starting to have trouble with it. Right now, it seems as if my life is passing me by. All I seem to do right now is work (10 or more hours a day) and doing homework (Feels like I'm always catching up), with workouts (also homework to an extent), yoga and a few fun things sprinkled about here and there. Although I am doing things to try to make my life better, I still feel at the same time that I'm just existing. This is just downright getting depressing.

Last weekend, we did a "Best Picture Showcase" at the AMC theatre, where we watched all 5 Oscar nominated films - this equated to about 10.5 hours of sitting down, with the other 1.5 hours trying to walk around and get some exercise in between. Kirsten and I started doing this last year when this event first came about; this year Karen went with us - we got the seats we wanted with some space to spare (and much needed). It was fun but tiring by the time we were done. The entire day was just flat out busy - period. I'm not sure that I completely wound down and relaxed as much as I hoped I would.

Anyway a recap of the movies:

Michael Clayton - the end started first, George Clooney is "HOT" as well as a great actor. The story line was a little difficult to follow at first, but once you got mid-way into the movie, you saw what was up. Great cast, great story.

There Will Be Blood - good reason that Daniel Day-Lewis won best actor for this movie. He really stretches past his boundaries when he acts, and this story pushed him to the edge of sanity in his character. Movie was pretty intense in many spots. Really would recommend seeing it.

Atonement - somewhat of a disappointment, not what I expected (not that I had much of an expectation). Good acting, bur really, when I think about it, it was more about a little girl that did something dreadful - although she didn't think so at the time. A film full of regrets and what ifs. Too depressing for me.

Juno - the best movie I have seen in a long time! But sadly enough, Michael Cera and Jason Bateman didn't have a single scene together - oh, what I would have given to have that chemistry come back (reminicent of Arrested Development). There was a really good reason why Ellen Page was selected for a Best-Actress nomination. A 21-year old that plays a 16-year old - been done by older girls, but man, does she pull it off most excellently! Great lines such as "that ain't no etch-a-sketch. This is one doodle that can't be un-did, homeskillet" or "I've got to pee like Seabiscuit" (which puts "pee like a rushing race horse" to shame). The lines and humor just flow out of Juno's mouth like a chocolate shake - A definite MUST SEE movie. . .

No Country for Old Men - Wow, that Javier Bardem is one HOT foreign dude, and man, does he play the psychotic bad guy to a "T"! A messy movie with a not-really-ending ending (bad guy doesn't die, does a lot of damage in the meantime). Might have to watch that one again, think I missed something. Powerful movie, though - and explains the real use of a portable air tank.

Time to go to bed and get some sleep for the "Big Day." Catch y'all on the flip side!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Work Review

Today was my review at work. I've been there technically nearly 4 years now (as of March 31), but officially, my start date is June 17th. It's been an interesting 4 years - the longest I have been at one job. When I first started, I thought I'd just get in there for a couple of years, learn some new things and move on. Now that I'm in my 4th year, I'd be silly to leave now - I've got 14 days of vacation, but will get 19 days Jan 1, 2009. I want that extra time!

On with the review - my now previous boss Skip came to do the review for me. Todd was sitting in on most of the reviews; however, he didn't get to sit in mine until the end as he was on a pretty important conference call. As I've mentioned in the past, Skip and I are honest with each other so his reviews don't surprise me at all. We talk about all that I do well (which, not to brag, but I score very well), as well as what I need to improve - note that I don't say what I do wrong. We always work to keep everything on an upbeat note. The places where I still need improvement:

1) Susan's desire to accomplish is sometimes perceived as aggressive

2) Sensitivity to others and listening are attributes to develop

3) Work to maintain empathy for teammates and respect other's schedules (meaning, when my TMs are busy, I shouldn't hound them for things - but I have to, not sure how to get around this one!!)

Overall, I got an "Exceeds Most Expectations" which is still very good. I'm still working towards the big "Far Exceeds Expectations" which is difficult to get to, but I'm pretty close in a couple of areas. I know where my faults lie as well as my strengths. Now I have to wait another 2 weeks to see what the big raise will be :) Not sure if the big promotion and raise will happen, I'm kinda doubting it since Corporate has been so cheap the last couple of years.

After we get the new SA hired, I get to do a lot of new stuff, including cross training in sales and teaching local classes. I'm pretty excited about that! Need to get into that Toastmaster's Club, now. Did I mention that one of my lessor attributes is procrastination for the non-high-priority-but-still-need-to-do-it activities?

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Lessons to Learn

What we would like to be in life isn't always going to be. As we get older, we find that things take a little longer to happen - weightloss, accumulation of wealth (unless you are REALLY lucky), work, etc. I have been laid off of work 3 times within a 10 year period - the first 2 times, I found work immediately. After the 3rd time, it took me almost 2 years to find another permanent job. In that 2 year time, I worked temp jobs, contract jobs, whatever it took to make some money. At times, I became pretty bummed out, sometimes slightly depressed - but I always knew things would work out for the better. Although I don't always like this saying it is true - when one door closes another one opens. It might take awhile to find that new door, but it does happen. Just stay as positive as you can and keep looking because, by george, opportunity isn't going to come and tap you on the shoulder unless you give it the chance to do so!

At work, we've been trying to get our new SA hired. I worked hard to get this person we were going to bring on - working as a temp to help me out and more importantly, our customers. Then I found Friday that after going through all of the processes for the final chapters to get her on full-time, she can't work for us because of something in her background check. I'm so bummed out I can't believe it. I've also come to be a little mad as well. Knowing that she was going to go through this background check, why in the world did she not mention something to my boss? Armed with a little bit of information in the beginning, he could have warded off questions and still gotten her hired - but guess she didn't think that whatever it was would come back to haunt her. Now we are back to square one, scrambling to find out how we are going to make this work. DAMN IT!

Yesterday, I went to this cheerleading event called "JamFest" to show support for my ex-roommates daughter, Alexa. She is on a squad for special needs kids - boy, did that group of girls have a HUGE cheering section! There were 2 teams of this type at the session I was at - the girls did well, and the kids that help them are just awesome. It takes a lot of patience to work with down syndrome kids, as well as any other type of physical/mental disability - I really applaud these teens for being so giving of themselves and their time to make those girls feel like being a part of such an activity.

School is going well so far - I'm getting a straight-up perfect score on all of my assignments. My weightlifting class is going well, too - hoping to start really seeing some results happen within the next couple of weeks (at least before I go to Las Vegas). If I can get A's in those classes, I'll be doing pretty well. Took on a 4 week accelerated class as well, that month should be pretty uneventful so I can concentrate on that classwork. After school is out (around May 5th), think that will be when I take my trip to Washington DC. Reminder to self: contact my cousin Kevin to start those plans. . .

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

New Boss

Back in early December, the same day as our District Meeting at work and the "in-house" Christmas Party we had, my boss, Skip, announced he was moving into another position within our area (the "area" in Lennox for us consists of 3 districts - Salt Lake, Phoenix and Denver). Skip had been working in our Denver District for 14 years out of his 33 year career at Lennox - pretty unheard of. He was going to become our Area Business Development Manager. I think he recognized that he needed a change and that we needed some new leadership.

Anyway, Skip made the announcement while I was out of the office picking up food for our Christmas Party - the meeting was nearly out when I got back. He pulled me into his office and told me he waited as long as he could before I got back, but had to finally just say it. All of us were in shock at first, guess we thought Skip would stay until he retired in a couple more years. I became a little emotional - I've worked with him for nearly 4 years, we've had a good working relationship. Always honest with each other, we worked well together.

The following Tuesday, our new District Manager would be coming in. Skip couldn't tell us who it would be, but we would find out soon. There was little speculation, as we had a good idea as to who be filling the job. Todd, a guy who was hired by Lennox in March of last year as a Regional Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Manager walked through the door that day with our Area Manager Brent - very excited and a little nervous, I am quite sure. Skip met them both for lunch before they came to the office, but he didn't come back the rest of the day. Todd met with myself, our FTC, Ops Manager and the sales people that day, talking about his experience and goals for us. It's almost like he was just made for the job. Although Todd's "official" first day wasn't to be until January 1st, he was in our office nearly everyday the rest of the year learning from Skip, talking with everyone about what we'd like to see improve and what our goals are. When January 2nd rolled around, the office was his.

Being the helpful and efficient assistantI am, when Todd and the TMs went to their annual sales meeting the middle of January, I purchased a computer desk, some closet storage and a nice chair and went to work on setting his office up. The computer desk before consisted of 2 - two drawer file cabinets and a piece of cabinet sitting on top of them. I just don't understand how Skip worked like that all those years. He was (and still is) so frugal, that he used one of the cheap Sam's club rolling chairs - from the training room - as his office chair. They are just the most uncomfortable things. When Todd got back, he had an organized closet (had to organize his Lennox SWAG and such), a new chair and an actual computer desk. Oh, and 3 new plants and a bookcase from another small office. Finally, he has a work space he can use for awhile - until we get approval to start purchasing new office furniture - woohoo!

It's been almost 2 months that we've had Todd here now, and he's already making an impact. The attitude in our office is much less tense and there is a sense that positive changes will be made that will help us accomplish our district's goals. He has no tolerance for meanness, and where he is able, he'll help "push" along changes in our office. Don't know if we will be able to get rid of the other 2 cancers in the warehouse, but hopefully something will come about in the not too distant future.

All in all, I really like my new boss. He's even going to buy my compound bow and accessories that have been stored away for 10 years (hardly used, still in like-new condition). Wow - I'll make some money on this guy!!