Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Work Review

Today was my review at work. I've been there technically nearly 4 years now (as of March 31), but officially, my start date is June 17th. It's been an interesting 4 years - the longest I have been at one job. When I first started, I thought I'd just get in there for a couple of years, learn some new things and move on. Now that I'm in my 4th year, I'd be silly to leave now - I've got 14 days of vacation, but will get 19 days Jan 1, 2009. I want that extra time!

On with the review - my now previous boss Skip came to do the review for me. Todd was sitting in on most of the reviews; however, he didn't get to sit in mine until the end as he was on a pretty important conference call. As I've mentioned in the past, Skip and I are honest with each other so his reviews don't surprise me at all. We talk about all that I do well (which, not to brag, but I score very well), as well as what I need to improve - note that I don't say what I do wrong. We always work to keep everything on an upbeat note. The places where I still need improvement:

1) Susan's desire to accomplish is sometimes perceived as aggressive

2) Sensitivity to others and listening are attributes to develop

3) Work to maintain empathy for teammates and respect other's schedules (meaning, when my TMs are busy, I shouldn't hound them for things - but I have to, not sure how to get around this one!!)

Overall, I got an "Exceeds Most Expectations" which is still very good. I'm still working towards the big "Far Exceeds Expectations" which is difficult to get to, but I'm pretty close in a couple of areas. I know where my faults lie as well as my strengths. Now I have to wait another 2 weeks to see what the big raise will be :) Not sure if the big promotion and raise will happen, I'm kinda doubting it since Corporate has been so cheap the last couple of years.

After we get the new SA hired, I get to do a lot of new stuff, including cross training in sales and teaching local classes. I'm pretty excited about that! Need to get into that Toastmaster's Club, now. Did I mention that one of my lessor attributes is procrastination for the non-high-priority-but-still-need-to-do-it activities?

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