Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Another Year is Passing Me By

Tomorrow is the recording of the big 4-3. Not much has affected me as I get older, but I find today that I am starting to have trouble with it. Right now, it seems as if my life is passing me by. All I seem to do right now is work (10 or more hours a day) and doing homework (Feels like I'm always catching up), with workouts (also homework to an extent), yoga and a few fun things sprinkled about here and there. Although I am doing things to try to make my life better, I still feel at the same time that I'm just existing. This is just downright getting depressing.

Last weekend, we did a "Best Picture Showcase" at the AMC theatre, where we watched all 5 Oscar nominated films - this equated to about 10.5 hours of sitting down, with the other 1.5 hours trying to walk around and get some exercise in between. Kirsten and I started doing this last year when this event first came about; this year Karen went with us - we got the seats we wanted with some space to spare (and much needed). It was fun but tiring by the time we were done. The entire day was just flat out busy - period. I'm not sure that I completely wound down and relaxed as much as I hoped I would.

Anyway a recap of the movies:

Michael Clayton - the end started first, George Clooney is "HOT" as well as a great actor. The story line was a little difficult to follow at first, but once you got mid-way into the movie, you saw what was up. Great cast, great story.

There Will Be Blood - good reason that Daniel Day-Lewis won best actor for this movie. He really stretches past his boundaries when he acts, and this story pushed him to the edge of sanity in his character. Movie was pretty intense in many spots. Really would recommend seeing it.

Atonement - somewhat of a disappointment, not what I expected (not that I had much of an expectation). Good acting, bur really, when I think about it, it was more about a little girl that did something dreadful - although she didn't think so at the time. A film full of regrets and what ifs. Too depressing for me.

Juno - the best movie I have seen in a long time! But sadly enough, Michael Cera and Jason Bateman didn't have a single scene together - oh, what I would have given to have that chemistry come back (reminicent of Arrested Development). There was a really good reason why Ellen Page was selected for a Best-Actress nomination. A 21-year old that plays a 16-year old - been done by older girls, but man, does she pull it off most excellently! Great lines such as "that ain't no etch-a-sketch. This is one doodle that can't be un-did, homeskillet" or "I've got to pee like Seabiscuit" (which puts "pee like a rushing race horse" to shame). The lines and humor just flow out of Juno's mouth like a chocolate shake - A definite MUST SEE movie. . .

No Country for Old Men - Wow, that Javier Bardem is one HOT foreign dude, and man, does he play the psychotic bad guy to a "T"! A messy movie with a not-really-ending ending (bad guy doesn't die, does a lot of damage in the meantime). Might have to watch that one again, think I missed something. Powerful movie, though - and explains the real use of a portable air tank.

Time to go to bed and get some sleep for the "Big Day." Catch y'all on the flip side!

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