Saturday, June 13, 2009

Down some more!

My weigh in was at 239.8 yesterday. The bummer. . . only .2 away from my 5% goal! Oh well, we'll celebrate that one next week. Then the week after that, another 5lbs. I'm making some good progress! I worked out 3 times this week, twice at the gym and last Sunday, Kirsten and I took a really nice walk at EB Rains for about an hour. Its good to have a "buddy" to do these things with. The new goal this week is to get out and work out 4 times. That will start tomorrow since I am going to the Rockies game with Kirsten and the fam; we'll be getting there early enough that we'll be able to get a good walk in. I'm going to shoot for at least 2 morning workouts, and then on opposite days do a short lunchtime workout, at least on the bike. I still haven't done the water exercising yet, not sure why I just don't go do it. I'm so brain dead after work, guess I just don't feel like doing anything.

I have some favorite, comfortable pants that I will not be able to wear much longer. Sad and glad at the same time. I have 2 more pair of those types of pants, they are going to have to go in another 5 lbs as well. I'm not sure if its worth it to pay to have them taken in so I can wear them for another month. My choices in pants are starting to waiver, that's for sure.

This coming week, I'm also going to try out some grilling suggestions from the book I won at last week's meeting. I need to find the time to expand my home eating opportunities. I'm going to try and keep my eating out to once a week max. Need to save money for clothes that I'll buy at the second hand store, since its not worth it to purchase new if I'm only going to be able to wear them for 2 months. What a predicament to have!

Off to do homework. I'll report again next week!

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