Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Rain, Rain, Go Away. . . .

Well, the last 2 afternoons/ have been pretty wet. The Platte River near my house is fuller than I think I have ever seen it. I feel sorry for anyone that thought they could ride their bike along the bike path on the river this morning and still make it home this afternoon without falling in. But the flowers love it as well as the little girl I passed on the way home. Looked like her mom took her outside to feel the rain on her face - it was cute! She couldn't have been more than 3 years old.

I went to my friend Kenny MacKay's funeral yesterday. It makes me really sad that he felt he had to take his life in order to take away his problems and pain - it's completely and totally selfish. I was told if I ever did that, a certain Polish friend of mine would "piss on my grave." I'm not kidding, he said that (with a slight drunken slur at the Platte River Grill last night).

Ken's daughter, Brittany (26 yrs old), wrote a couple of nice poems for her dad - it was pretty hard on her, as well as her younger brothers, who are 16 and 18. It's too bad it took this event for many of us to meet his family. Even his first ex-wife is just a gem (can't remember her name to save my life)! I wonder why they weren't able to stay married. The ex-wife's second ex-husband looks like John Denver, I swear (they got along really good as well, wonder why that one didn't work either)! He was really very nice as well; good thing Brittany has him close by to help her. She's got to move all of Ken's stuff out of his house next week, as the bank is foreclosing on it. I'll probably see if I can help in some way.

My boss is doing better, he called me several times today, being his old self (asking lots of questions, in which I gave him answers to weeks ago, but he forgot again). Says he's going to really try to make it into the office tomorrow. I keep telling him not to worry about it, but we'll see what happens. I'll probably not get to take my day off on Friday as planned, since a girl in our office, who seems to always be sick or at a Dr. Appt or need to have the day off for one reason or another, will likely not be in. I have had to adjust my time in the past (Dr. Appt, days off) because she decided to be sick or something. Since it's the end of the month, the office phones cannot be unmanned. It's been a really slow year business wise, so we need to move all of the product we can over the next 2 days. Therefor, I will probably be working, dammit.

I've suddenly had lots of invites of things to do this weekend, and one of them enables me to kill 2 birds w/one stone, so need to make my plans around it. Friday night I'll probably hang out at home; Sat night, going to the drive-in w/my friend Tish, some Brie, Fruit, other gourmet food and Captain Jack Sparrow (arrrrgh). Can't wait for that one! Sunday, I've been invited to do a couple of things, might be able to do them both, but I'll be pushing it. I need to kill a rose bush at my brother's grave in Loveland (if you know a good way to do that PLEASE let me know!!) , so I'll probably do that late Sunday morning/early afternoon, go to a BBQ at the Shield's house Sunday afternoon and try to make Sushi w/Amanda on Sunday night. Monday is a BBQ in Mead, but not sure I'll make that one.

So, that's the next chapter in my not-so-exciting life. I'm going to go turn on my electric blanket now and crawl into bed - its mighty chilly tonight, so I'll get a great nights sleep!

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