Saturday, September 29, 2007

Sorry, it's been awhile!

So. . . I've been well, busier than a one legged man in a butt-kicking contest. Felt like the person on the receiving end of that butt kicking as well. Labor Day hit and almost immediately, the nights have become much cooler (and comfortable). Sleeping more through the night than I have all summer. Going to work with the prettiest of the year's sunrises coming up showing colors of pink, orange, purple and blues. The leaves on the Aspen trees are really starting to turn their colors of gold, and the fire bush in front of the house is going red. Spring and Fall are my favorite times of the year, but I think fall is the prettiest.

It's been a fairly eventful month. Gone to a few Rockies games, hoping that they can still pull out their trump card and make the last minute vie for a Wildcard playoff spot. They won their last 3 series, plus, had a 10 game winning streak going, then lost the first game of their last regular season series to Arizona. Although they have greatly slimmed their chances for that playoff berth, there is a VERY small chance that if the planets align, they beat Arizona 2 games and San Diego loses (along with a few other variables) they could still make it. Our team has come a long way this last part of the year, wish we would have had this exact combination of players in the beginning, we would have had a pretty good opportunity.

And there's the Broncos - they barely pulled off their 1st 2 wins (really, by shear luck) and then they lose to Jacksonville. Broncs play the Colts this weekend, I'm not too hopeful on that one. I'll be at a Rockies game anyway.

A few weeks ago (think its been 3 of them) Karen and I went to see the Def Leppard/Styx/Bad Company concert. Each group played about 45 min, with 15-20 intermissions to change out the equipment for the next group. Good music, but it was on a Sunday night, didn't get to sleep until after 11pm (and we left before the last couple of songs to beat the crowds) - that's really late for me, so my Monday was pretty rough.

I started college this past week, I'm only takinig one class - Leadership. Really think it will be a fun class, a lot to learn. Already have my list of all assignments due, so I can work on them as quickly or as slowly as I want, just can't turn them in until the dates allowed. I have so much in my work and volunteer life to pull from, that I should really be able to learn how to handle myself better at work. We are at the time of the year that is the toughest for us, and busiest for me. With 2008 Business Planning (a 1 month process in itself), 2008 budgeting, events, marketing sell-ins and preperation for next year, as well as the usual day-to-day stuff, it creates a somewhat stressful atmosphere at work. Tempers flare easily with the sales guys, as they read and take less and less direction, just wanting to "sell boxes" and make their quotas. I can understand where they are coming from, but don't think they understand to much of a degree what is on my plate, either. We give them a lot of information in which to help them stave off issues, yet they read none of it and double the work for myself and others in the office. It becomes a big circle of discontent and confusion, and it all lands on me in the long run. I'm really hoping that my class will help me learn how to handle these issues better and create a smoother running office for everyone.

Tomorrow night we are going to see "Spamalot," the broadway version of "Monty Python and The Holy Grail." I'm really looking forward to some big humor in my life right now. Took Monday off from work since it will be a somewhat late night on Sunday, plus I get some things done that are normally not as easy to do when I can't get away during my lunchtimes.

I'll report on the play - hopefully sooner rather than later!

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