Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Vacation looms. . .

These last couple of weeks have been pretty uneventful at home, as well as work. Last Saturday was probably the most fun - although we started the day out working. A few of us from the Jaycees went to clean out our chapter storage unit that morning. I can't believe how much stuff we have hung onto for so many years! But there were tons of office supplies, so we donated them to Urban Peak (teen homeless shelter) as well as some picnic-type goods. You can read more about Urban Peak via the link on the right. AWESOME place and more awesome is the work they do!
Neil, Jim B and Jim F after storage clean up -
we found all sorts of goodies!

Saturday afternoon, Karen, Boots and I went to see Pirates of the Carribbean 3 (my second time). You really have to watch the movie a few times to catch all that is going on in it. Then Karen took a silly pic afterwards (see left w/Silver Surfer). :)

Afterwards, we went to the Sidewalk Art Show on Larimer Square, a very fun event every year. Just wish they'd get some of the artists who really know how to do the realistic-looking, 3-D art. However, there was still some cool art work.

The business I work in, heating and A/C warehouse distrubution (Lennox), suffers when the weather isn't really hot in the summer or very cold in the winter. The motto I came up with - "we thrive on other people's misery" when it comes to weather. Last year, we had an awesome sales year, our district was in the top 5 out of other 23 districts. This year, we are hitting the bottom of the heap - only Milwaukee is worse off. The weather hasn't been bad enough to really get people replacing their equipment, just bad enough to fix it until it goes out completely. So, with work being slow and playing catch up with a bunch of projects, I am ready to say 'ba-bye' for a week. Being the dedicated worker I am, however, I'll still go in on Sunday just to do month end reports for my boss, so he has them on his desk first thing Monday morning. Which brings me to the fun news. . .
My cousin Bret is coming out to visit - dragging his friend Shawn with him! Yeah!! Shawn used to live in Denver, so he is pretty anxious to come out and travel down his memory "lane." I can't tell you how excited I am, my family (on mom's side) RARELY comes out to visit me. Bret hasn't been west of the mighty Mississippi but a couple of times, let alone to Colorado, so it'll be fun! I have a couple of things planned, but for the most part, just going to play it by ear and see what they feel like doing. I'm taking the entire week off as well - yippee!! More about that when they are here. . .
My nephew, Kiel, called me last night to inform me that he is coming home about a month early from his mom's house in Phoenix. He's going to stay at his friend Troy's house until he starts school again. Troy is a pretty nice kid, growing up in a family of engineers - he's going to CU this fall to do the same thing, apparently. Although I'm quite sure they get into their own forms of mischief, I can only hope that Troy is a good influence on Kiel. I'm having a BBQ on Tuesday the 3rd, so invited them both to come by, as Kiel has met none of his dad's family (besides immediate). I want Kiel to meet and know all of his family.
Until next time - woohoo, it'll be fun!

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