Saturday, November 29, 2008


The evening of Thanksgiving, I am normally looking at ads, deciding what I am going to try and "dive" for at 5am. Not this year. Have to hold back and keep the spending down to a VERY dull roar - actually, more like a peep. Announcements came out at work that there is now a salary freeze through next year. That, coupled with the new 401K program in place, my dispensible income went into the negative numbers! That's OK, though. Things will only be like this for a year, so I just need to hang tight and hold my wallet tighter. It's really been tough with Kiel not working right now, its now back to what it was back in October when he first came - I have no money since I have to feed him. The kid gave me some money when he had a job (a months worth), and does know that he will have to pay back rent once he does find a job. That will put a crimp in his spending; however, I have to recoup what I've lost thus far in groceries and higher energy bills. I wish I could be of more help to him - however, even if I did have more to spend, can't say I'd do anything differently. His mom didn't teach him to be responsible for himself. I will say for Kiel, however, that he is somewhat aware of the cost of living - I know he won't stiff me. Guess I'll just wait for a chunk of money to come my way when he does find a job. It'll be money to go into savings when things get REALLY ugly. . .

I spoke with my grandmother on Thanksgiving, as well as a couple of my uncles. Always nice to chat with the fam. It's getting harder and harder to talk to grandma - however, she still has a sense of humor. Each time I ask her how she's doing, and she says the same thing. . . "I can't see, I can't hear and I can't walk - but I'm just fine, honey!" I'm not sure of a tone of voice to use when talking to her on the phone - if I am too loud, it messes with her hearing aid; if I talk too softly, she can't hear a thing. Heck - when I talk normally she can't either hear or understand. Wish someone would come out with a better telephone for the REALLY hard of hearing. Heck, I'm sure there has got to be something out there - I just can't find it because it probably costs an arm AND leg. I keep the cost of legs out of my searches. It's a bummer that I can't afford to get out to see my relatives this year, I've made it a point to go to OH for either Thanksgiving or Christmas each year for awhile, now. Really, I'd like to get out there a couple of times a year, even if it is for a long weekend. I will get to that point soon - just have to be patient.

I'm hosting the Senate Christmas Party this year - Connie and I really want it to come off well. It's been our hope to get more people there; those that wouldn't come in the past due to where it was being held. It has gotten a little expensive for me. Even with the little bit of reimbursement I am getting, it's still quite a bit to come up with. But, if it is a success and we manage to get some old timers there we haven't seen in awhile, then it will be well worth it to get to hang out with my friends during the holidays.

With that being said, I have some phone calls to make. . .

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